Electronic design

I have been designing electronic cards for more than 40 years. Some of these were attempts to make new products, never existed before, others were just smaller, cheaper, smarter or safer versions of existing circuits. Not all of them were successful, but those that were, helped my customers to create handsome profits. I made all these projects under strict NDAs, so I can tell very little about them here.

PCB design

I loved low level FW development and I was very good at using cheap 8-bit microcontrollers in places where nobody considered using them, but I see that the future is specialization. Designing PCBs is the area I know best, and because I do it all the time, I can do it faster and in better quality than those who are less specialized.

3D modeling

Over the years I learned 3D modeling at professional level, and I can work at the boundary of electronics and mechanics, which is important in the next generation of robots and hand-held devices. The PCBs I design always include full 3D models.


Recently I had some time to make a few small things for myself, just for the pleasure of creation. These are much, much simpler than the ones I design for a living, but I can show them here, and make them freely available to anyone, who is interested.


I designed this web page from scratch. It may not be as spectacular as the ones created with big commercial web design frameworks, but it shows that I understand HTML, JS, CSS, PHP and SQL well. I am active on StackExchange, on GitLab, GitHub and on CodePen, and I am trying to return the help I received from the community.

